This programme was in collaboration with the Government of Meghalaya and involved livelihood training through workshops, building managerial capacities of participants, especially through formation of PGs and introduction of value-added processing. It was a brand-new geography for Anant, and a new intervention.
The establishment of the jackfruit processing unit in Gulpani Nokat, one of the remotest villages of the world is a remarkable feat. Despite the region’s tough terrains and logistics challenges, the community and the government strived together to achieve this significant milestone in the history of Garo Hills region.
On 8 February 2024, the world’s remotest jackfruit processing unit engrained with sustainability at its core was inaugurated at Rongara by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Meghalaya. This unit is set to process over 700 MT of Jackfruit annually and quadruple the incomes of about 8,000 farmers. The unit is fully owned and managed by the Rongara Agro Food Processing Cooperative Society. The Rongara Agro Food Processing Cooperative Society in Gulpani Nokat, Rongara C&Rd Block, South Garo Hills district has over 50 members comprising of small and marginal farmers.
Here's what we have been able to achieve over the past few years.....a small step towards building a better effort to innovate, include and sustain!
We were one of the very few organisations which pioneered technology based assessments of Skill Development Programmes, carrying out assessments in 26 Indian states in 12 regional languages.
We are trying to put in place an effective skill development module which not only has a positive impact on the lives of our stakeholders but is also customised to their needs....unlike many which are being implemented nowdays
A three-day training session was organized by NIFTEM-T at the newly constructed Jackfruit Processing unit located at village Gulpani Nokat for 50 women who will be handling this state of the art facility. This initiative aims to create approximately 100 local livelihoods for the communities of the South Garo Hills, Meghalaya.
Post-placement Tracking and Impact Analysis
We were one of the first organisations which carried out technology based post-placement tracking of candidates who underwent skill development training and generated impact reports.
Livelihood Promotion Center (LPC)
Livelihood Promotion Centers (LPC): In an effort to generate local livelihoods and income enhancement of the farmers Anant in collaboration with The Hill Farmers Union, Jaljeevika and Australian Dairy Advisory Consortium (ADAC) is setting up a unique Livelihood Promotion Center at Siju, South Garo Hills, Meghalaya. This effort is completely focused on agri/allied sector, agro-processing and creating an entire value chain.
FOCUS, Meghalaya
Farmers Collectivization for Upscaling Production and Marketing Systems (FOCUS), Meghalaya
Three blocks were allocated to Anant, Rongara, Chokpot in the South Garo Hills, Zikzak in the South West Garo Hills and Bhoirymbong in RiBhoi district of Meghalaya. Over 20k farmers were mobilized as part of the project, into producer groups (PGs). Ongoing project involves training, capacity building, value addition and market linkages.
We are changing the way the conventional "Job Websites" worked...we are making it more inclusive...connecting the stakeholders based on their access to the kind of technology they can afford, use or have access to.
Mazdoor Adda
We saw a lot of discussions happening at multiple forums about "engaging with the informal sector". We decided to take it a step further...this Android based application connects urban informal sector workers to meaningful work through their mobile phones. We are not only trying to deal with the middle men who exploit the system but also try and provide social security to the workers registered with us! Presently launched at Delhi/NCR, Jaipur, Merrtut, Roorkee, Ambala, and Bhiwani its a first step to a much larger change. We have close to 5000 workers associated with us.